Friday, November 14, 2008

Caiden's football pictures

I have to post these, mostly because of how impressed I was with the parental support we had as the little league coaches this year. When I coached at East, the parental support was pretty much non-existent, save for a few of them that would help out when they could.

With Caiden's team, we had parents at practice there offering to help with whatever we needed them. We had a team mom that volunteered to do all the work, which was really tough. In addition, a mother who is also a photographer, took the time to take pictures of EACH kid on the team. She then took the pictures and put together a collage for each individual kid. At the banquet, she (with her own money), gave each kid an 18"x30" picture, along with a 6"x4" photo of the collage she did for each kid. This was a total surprise to me and I was so grateful for her taking the time to capture some great pictures of Caiden.

Here is what Caiden's looks like (note, to see more detail, click on the picture, then "all sizes" and it will show you the bigger version):


Here are the other individual and team photos we had done.



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