Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I voted today

I'm not a huge political guy and had planned on not voting or getting involved, but I did it today anway. I felt really good after doing it.

I'm very proud to be a part of America. Sure, we may have screwed over some locals when first taking over land, but for the most part I think it worked out well for everyone. Typical American demeanor huh? Well, show me an America with some seedy pasts and I'll show you any other country in this world (as old, or older than America) who has even seedier pasts.

Like I was saying. I love America. I've been studying History lately (in school, which is my major) and it has just been the basics. The first semester was the beginning of history to 1200 and the second semester was 1200 to the present day. I look at how many struggles there have been for other countries and how limited they have been to have a say in things.

I'm so happy I have been able to have a say in things for my country; whether they make a difference or not.

I was somewhat un-sure of who to vote for as president. I don't like Kerry and I think Bush is incompetent, but a good person. In the end I went with the good person. I mean, I think Kerry is alright, but I don't like his attacking personality and how much he has flip-flopped on issues. Sure, Dubya has flip flopped as well, but not as much as Kerry.

Lesser of two evils you say? Yeah, but I wouldn't call them evils, I would call it "lesser of two incompetents". Oh well. The Democratic way is the only way for me and I'm proud to be a part of it.

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