Friday, February 27, 2009

Caiden's a cub scout

02.24.09 Caiden Scouts

I know he's 9 years old, but he finally got his bobcat and is about to earn his Bear. I really feel badly that I don't spend more time with him on scouts and helping him advance. Alene does such a great job as our ward den leader. She wants so badly to see the boys advance and get's so frustrated when the parents just don't seem to care. She sends the kids home with a list of things to do with their families, only to see them not completed. That can be frustrating for sure.

I really hope Caiden takes to scouting. I loved it when I was younger and I advanced pretty quickly. I was a life scout by the time I was 14 and only 6-7 merit badges away from my Eagle, but I got involved in sports and considered scouts "nerdy" after that. I hope Caiden doesn't take that approach and I'll do my best to encourage him to finish.

02.24.06 Caiden Scouts

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