Monday, March 03, 2008

I'm sorry, I decided to delete my last post

After posting it, I felt like my feelings were not conveyed well-enough because all the comments seemed to be about my wife. I love my wife dearly and my intentions were not to make people comment about her. In fact, I probably would have preferred no comments. I just needed to rant a bit. Oh well.

Alene is a great wife who only wants so badly to be close to me, her husband. She makes many sacrifices for me and for our family and I love her.

1 comment:

  1. What's this all about? We know you and Alene love each other dearly. Life is crazy sometimes and it just takes some work getting through the craziness. Alene is perfect for you, and is a wonderful person. I've never talked to someone so deep & passionate. I love her for that. I missed being at the party & seeing you guys Sunday. Dad said he and I will come up & take you you guys to dinner or a movie, I need to get out of the house, I'm still sick!!
